For noen uker siden dro Lene og jeg på Papirfesten i Stavanger. Herlig reisefølge!!
Så dette bildet er tatt oppi luften, på vei til Stavanger.
På denne Layouten har jeg brukt flere produkter fra Art Anthology
Velvet (en aldeles herlig maling) i fargen "limeaid" og Sorbet - black leather jacket på splættene samt på trefigurene (flyene).
A few weeks ago I went to a crop with my friend Lene. This photo is taken on the plane on our way to Stavanger. I'm rather afraid of flying so it was good to have her at my side ♥
On this layout I have used a couple of Art Anthology products: Velvet - limeaid , with a stencil and also Sorbet - Black leather jacket (mixed with water and used a brush to make some splatters) and also on the wooden figures (aeroplanes)
På denne Layouten har jeg brukt flere produkter fra Art Anthology
Velvet (en aldeles herlig maling) i fargen "limeaid" og Sorbet - black leather jacket på splættene samt på trefigurene (flyene).
A few weeks ago I went to a crop with my friend Lene. This photo is taken on the plane on our way to Stavanger. I'm rather afraid of flying so it was good to have her at my side ♥
On this layout I have used a couple of Art Anthology products: Velvet - limeaid , with a stencil and also Sorbet - Black leather jacket (mixed with water and used a brush to make some splatters) and also on the wooden figures (aeroplanes)