mandag 29. september 2014

Hold on - canvas

Last week I went to a workshop here in our city.
A workshop with Golden Artist Colors.
I love these Golden products, full quality paint and art mediums.

We got to try different acrylic paints like the heavy body, fluid and iridescent and mediums like clear polymer (used as basecoat), glass bead gel and clear granular gel on a canvas.

I used the products on my canvas without any kind of meaning, just wanted to try them out, how they reacted with each other.

When I came home, I started to add some more paint, using my new Art Anthology stencils.
Also added an image from a magazine.
I used Triton acrylic paint marker for the letters (white).
Stabilo all magic pencil and white Golden fluid acrylic was used to outline the magazine image.

Wow, I really loved how it turned out!

søndag 28. september 2014

Mandala art journal - DT Art Anthology

Our September challenge at Art Anthology was Mandala art .

ohhhh..what a challenge for me, never done one and never heard of it before!

Had to read me up on it to get hold of what the meaning was.

Have to be honest, it will probably not be so many of those for me, not because I didn't like it, but because of my hand/arm/fingers are struggling with such art.
I have tried zentangle, love those, but for the same reason as above ,
I have to drop out of such fine drawing.

But anyway, here is my mandela finally.

I have used colorations together with brush to color the mandela in diffeent colors.

The page is gessoed before I started.
Love the AA Gesso!!

Then I just starting drawing with a black pen.
Different pattern and shapes.
I photographed some of the steps from the start and you can see it in Art Anthology blog.

I just sprayed different colors of Colorations on my craft mat and used the new brush to color in the shapes

On some of the parts I went back and did another layer with colorations, to get a darker color tone, as you see on the "flower" in the middle.






The colors I used were: Colorations: Wild Orchid, Heart, Glorious, Juicy and Studio Blue IMG_5283

That was all from me today, hope you liked it!

lørdag 27. september 2014

Best friends - Prima BAP

Fell in love with the sketch at Prima Build a Page this time and wanted to make on for this challenge.

It's been a while since I've shopped some Prima products (or scrapping products at all), but nevertheless, I have lots of things in my stash, so no problem making a layout with Prima products LOL

Here I have used paper from Almanac collection "libre" and Finnabair's Sunrise - sunset collection.
I have used stamps, resist canvas and stencils by Prima and of course flowers!
Some vintage flair, say it in crystal and metal , also from Prima.

Chipboard by 2Crafty (from the prize I got from Scrap around the World)
I even managed to use some of the Julie Nutting stamps on this layout.

Colors are mostly Archival Ink pad and Colorations by Art Anthology + Gesso

The photo is me and our cat having a good time.
Or at least I am :D
Our cat is not a cat that likes to be hold and is not a cozy cat.
The only person he jumps up to - is me ;)

Here is the sketch by Prima and the truely beautiful Keren Tamir:

and here is my take on the sketch:

søndag 21. september 2014

Home is where the heart is - DT Poppydesign

Hei igjen!
MarianneJ med ukens siste post for Vibeke Spigseth - Poppydesign.

Denne gangen har jeg kost meg med en art journal-side og
de stilige papirene fra chalkboard-blokken.

Man trenger jo ikke bare bruke arkene til kort eller layouter de er kjempekjekke å bruke i art journal også.
Spesielt når de er så tynne, så er de lette å forme.

Har såklart brukt ark i den herlige art journal-permen som Vibeke har designet for Panduro.

Klippet ut remser av det prikkete arket samt trekantene fra et annet og laget noen hus.
Litt gesso og stensil samt at jeg tegnet på noen vinduer.
Taket er farget med Pitt-penn fra Faber-Castell og andre farger er Gesso og mist fra Art Anthology






Da ønsker jeg dere en riktig god søndagskveld og en fortreffelig uke!


torsdag 18. september 2014

Chalkboard kort - DT Poppydesign

Hei igjen, MarianneJ er tilbake med ukens andre post for Vibeke Spigseth - Poppydesign

Denne gangen har jeg lekt meg med de kule arkene i Chalkboard blokken.

Veldig gøy å bruke disse, litt tynnere arkene og lekre motiver som alltid fra Vibeke.
Sjekk ut siden til Panduro for å se alt det lekre nye hun har designet!

Strengt tatt trenger du knapt nok pynt for papirene er så lekre! Men, jeg måtte jo ha med litt og da ble det litt hyssing, tape, button og rester/metall fra et armbånd.





Ha en flott kveld videre!

tirsdag 16. september 2014

Selfie - DT Poppydesign

Hei hei folkens!

MarianneJ her i dag og denne uken er det jeg som skal inspirere dere litt inne på Poppybloggen.

Håper dere alle har hatt en flott sommer og koser dere disse flotte høstdagene.
Endelig kom også de nye arkene og produktene Vibeke har designet for Panduro!

Herlige ark som roper på høstkreativitiet!

I dag har jeg en layout å vise dere, hvor jeg har brukt flere av arkene i denne blokken.

Bakgrunnsarket har jeg brukt som det er, med litt gesso , stensiler og mist samt bakgrunnsstempler.

Mens under bildet har jeg kuttet opp arket i firkanter og brukte nesten alle firkantene.
Utrolig stilig synes jeg, med små firkanter i samme design som resten av blokken.

Ellers litt hamp, chipboard, buttons og blomster.


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Og her ser dere litt mer av de små firkantene under bildet:






Håper dere likte layouten min og fikk lyst til å lage noe med de flotte arkene til Vibeke!

mandag 8. september 2014

New shoes - DT Art Anthology

Hi peeps!

Summer is gone here in Norway and fall is all around us.

But I still dream about the fabolous summer we have experienced here this year and today I'm sharing a layout, with good memories for just this summer.

How about some new shoes?
Do you love shoes?
I do love all kind of shoes but have not enough space (or money) to buy all of them.
But these shoes shouted "buy me, buy ME!!!"

On this layout  for Art Anthology I have used the awesome Stone Effects in color Bone and Sandsone with stencils.
And of course lots of Colorations spray inks, in colors: hottie, heart, timeless and paprika
Some Gesso on the flowers and also on the background before using the mist.

Papers from 7Dots Studio

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I'm using a lot of bright colors nowadays and just love it! (guess I'm not over summer yet)

Hope you liked my layout and found some inspiration!

